Administratively we have been busy with the WRC Work Plan for the protection of Turangi from Tongariro River flooding and with updating the Constitution of our Incorporated Society to enable us to re-register as quickly as possible.
Fishing the Tongariro.
A History of Our Greatest Trout River. Grant Henderson.
Grant was in touch in the early stages of researching this book and sought permission to include a section on the Advocates For The Tongariro River.
The book is simply what it says – a history of our greatest river and is not a ‘ how to fish’ and ‘where to fish’ book. It is thoroughly researched and a valuable source of information about the evolution of the river as a trout fishery. The many, and varied, photographs are an important part of this book.
I am sorry I missed the Katherine Ryan interview (Nine to Noon) with Grant as I would have listened with interest to the questions posed by Katherine and the responses from Grant.
His final paragraph, Stewardship Required, I fully agree with. It is why we, as the Advocates For The Tongariro River, exist. Some of our activity is covered well in Chapter 22. I have copied it here:
“Despite all that has happened in more than a century, the Tongariro River is still an outstanding trout fishery, attracting fly fishers from all over the world. All of those who enjoy it are charged with the responsibility of protecting and thereby ensuring that the quality of the fishing is maintained for generations of anglers.”
I warmly recommend this book.
Waikato Regional Council Annual Work Plan For the Tongariro River.

The Tongariro Flood Protection Scheme Annual Works Programme 2023-2024 is now in our web document – (Library, Key Documents). Led by Carl Bergstrom, we prepared our response to the Work Plan – not for what it contained but for what was not contained. The key points we have made are that from the beginning of the Flood protection scheme in 2012 woody vegetation over 1.5 meters will be dealt with. We expressed concern with the number of trees in the river above the area designated for flood protection that will make their way downstream in future floods, unless dealt with.
The Constitution
As I have reported in a previous blog, following our Annual General Meeting, we were found wanting when it came to the election of officers. The Incorporated Societies Act 1908 was replaced by The Incorporated Societies Act 1922 and comes into effect on 5 October 2023, although we have until 2025 to update. Accordingly we have revised the Rules of the Advocates to enable us to re-register, which must be completed by April 2026. The Committee is to accept the Constitution and then we will hold a Special General meeting for approval by members prior to our next meeting in November. The Constitution will be posted to members in October.
Fishing Report
Those lucky enough to have fished the Tongariro recently have been rewarded with fishing you dream of. Great quality. Good size. Good colour. But beware of Shag worm in fish of lesser colour.
Where in the World do Fishing Flies come from?
I have taken this article from The Economist, March 18, 2023.
Eric Wilson