Advocate 22/4


The AGM was held Saturday 21 May as advised in our Annual Report. We were pleased to have George Asher as co-chair of Ngati Tuwharetoa and Mike Fransham of the National Trout Centre (NTC)  and a member of AFTR, Thanks for apologies received.

We had a frank discussion with George seeking a better way to work with Iwi as we have been concerned that maintenance work on the river has not been done for the last 3 years. We are hopeful that we can get work back on track.

Mike Fransham is secretary of the NTC undertook to see how our two bodies could work together;

Financially the Advocates are in good heart and our Treasurer John Togood was thanked for his efficient management.

In the absence of new nominations the committee was re-elected for the next 12 months..

President  Gary Brown

Secretary  Eric Wison

Treasurer John Toogood

co Vice Presidents  Richard Kemp and Warren Butterworth

Committee members: Carl Bergstrom, Tim Caste, Virginia Church, Sam Coxhead, Mike Forret, Alasdair Keucke, John Martin, Julian Proctor, 

We are anxious that new and younger members on the committee are essential for the longevity of the Advocates. We welcom input from members.

The Floods

My return to Turangi has seen  continual rain with only one day rainless. Iit hs been cold but it is winter. In the last 30 days we have had 266,4mm (10,5 inches) of rainfall. A lot of rain following a long dry spell. My  photo is a couple of days after the peak( 514 m3/sec) was of a dirty river still running at 40m3/sec. AI spoke to a couple of hardy anglers at the parking area at the end of Taupahi reserve and was told that they woud be fishing where the fish are. I expected them to say on the river edges where fish can be caught at times.

This was the largest flood we hve had for more than 2 years. It is still a long way short of  the near 1400m3/sec destructive flood of 2004 and that of 1958. The river bottom on the day I fished was still soft.

I wrote this blog yesterday and resisted posting it on line.

Overnight we had another deluge which resulted in the river flooding again.

I took the following photos at 11.30am this morning from the main road bridge with the river dropping from 336m3/sec and it is receeding rapidly. the weather forecast is for rain with the next rain free day forecast for Wednesday 22nd June.











I fished Tuesday 7 June with Gary Brown and hsi Grandson Ben. Gary and I didn’t get a touch but Ben persevered and hooked into his first take. Played the fish for a couple of minutes, had the fish almost on the bank when it got off the hook. A disappointed and happy boy. Next time Ben.

I understand that although the river has been running high anglers have been having good success. Committee membes report fish to be excellent in size and condition.

Prior to the AGM I had Mike and his daughter Jen stay. I told Mike to keep all fish he caught. To the time I left I smoked his fish and as he stayed another couple of days he left 6 good sized fish in my freezer. He was very happy with his fishing experience.









Meeting with Waikato Regional Council

I was a member of the Taupo sub-Committee of Waikato Regional Counci (WRC)l. After the last Local Body elections the new Council did away wth the 8 sub-committees within the WRC area. Subsequently 2 sub-committees were reinstated but not Taupo. It meant that council staff no longer had contact with the people in the region though contact can be made throught the WRC Head Office network or directly with the staff if you know their contact details. To their credit meetings were called of the previous committees. We were updated on what WRC  was doing and we were asked our views on the way they were operating. We were assured that work was happening as in the past. The re-organisation  meant that administratively Taupo sub region was combined with Upper Waikato (based on Tokoroa) and administered from one office in Taupo. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Stu Kneebone. Kathy White, Councillor for Taupo-Rotorua, was present. Grant Blackie of the Integrated Catchment Management Directorate and Deborah Nickel. zone manager of the now Taupo- Upper Waikato office. There has been significant change administratively which I found confusing and not able to verify matters as the WRC website has not ept pace with the changws. It is important to have met the staff of WRC that we feel it necessay to communicate with and that they kno who we are. I am concerned that the Tongariro River is no longer a major concern for WRC. It is still monitored but needs more attention than action every 5 years. I was able to say that unless the flood protection scheme for the Tongariro is maintained annually then what has been achieved is each year lost and that was accepted by staff present.

Letter in the ODT Otago Dail Times of 30 May 2022


Immediately following the Advocates AGM I flew to Queenstown with the promise to my wife that I would not take the computer. At the local Patisserie I saw this letter to the Editor. I was amused by the letter and its message and wonder how you interpret it. I would love to know,

The ODT is a broadsheet newspaaper.




A reminder that your membership is important to us. If you have paid for this year we thank you. We would be pleased to receive your subscription if  you are still to pay.


Eric Wilson
