Yesterday afternoon the river was running at 39.2m3s, a level I find acceptable to fish, and I landed a limit bag. Two other anglers were in the pool and we fished happily together and all had success. This helps to remedy some recent bad experiences.
The river was in a minor flood of 78 m3s late on Monday evening and the river flow decreased slowly. Yesterday, though still high (22/23 m3s is normal), the river ran clean and the pool didn’t seem to have had snags deposited. The wind chill factor made it feel icy cold but later, with the sun out, it felt warm and the wind was dropping. Put that with fish on the take, it makes an enjoyable experience. Put that with experienced anglers who know fishing manners and it makes the experience doubly enjoyable.
Fishing is better described as a pastime “an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work” May we all enjoy angling.
On friday 4 August I attended the committee meeting of the Taupo Zone of Waikato Regional Council (WRC). WRC website carries agendas and minutes of the meetings. A matter of great interest was a presentation by Blair Dickie on Climate Changes in relationship to Water Quality Management.
Blair is well qualified to speak on this topic. He is Principal Strategy Advisor, Strategy Science with M.SC (Hons) and Master of Public Policy. andStrategy.
Blair highlighted the predictions that rainfall will be more intense than we are experiencing now and that between events there will be droughts. There will be less strong winds. With my two hats, one as a Turangi resident I want assurance that there is adequate protection against floods for the town (I have to accept that protection is only to a certain level), and second as an angler that the fishery will not be damaged by the more intense events.
Blair’s report is on our web site, Library Key Documents.
The Select Committee final report of the Conservation (Indigenous Fresh Water Fish) Amendment Bill is also in Key documents. This leads on to the second reading for parliament to make alterations before the third and final reading and then Governor General consent.
The Tongariro River Trail, though we have passed responsibility to Bike Taupo, is still of great interest to me. The other day, as minder of my grandsons young dog, I walked the Trail with her (SH1 bridge to Red Hut bridge up the True Right and home on the True Left. The Trail is in particularly good state. I congratulate the team from Corrections who have done the work. Some important work done was taking some dangerous limbs off trees hanging out over the Trail.

I noted also that the Trail on the True Left from the point where it meets the river flat through to the Stop bank at the Hydro Pool has now been metalled and made more comfortably accessible. On my walk I talked with a number of cyclists who were impressed with the state of the Trail. The planting at the Hydro Pool as a project of Project Tongariro was complimented. It is looking good.

On the track from the Bain carpark downstream are two Old Man’s Beard plants dispersing their seeds.

DOC have been advised but interestingly they were told of the existence of the plants only once the seed heads had developed. They do appreciate being told early when problems are evident.
I am pleased to see that the Prime Minister’s Science Advisor, Professor Juliette Gerrard of Auckland University, has stated that as a nation we need to consider Genetic Engineering as a way to control pests. I fully support that and I am pleased that the statement has been made and put into the public arena. The attached article presents the pros and cons around this matter.
Have you received your hard copy of your fishing license for the current season? I purchased three annual licenses for myself and two of my grandchildren but am still waiting to receive them.
Eric Wilson