The Advocates For The Tongariro River Annual Meting was held last Saturday. Tribute was paid to Mark Cosgrove who has stepped down. Mark was the key player in creating the Advocates in 2002. The 1995 and 1996 Mt Ruapehu eruptions were a decisive factor in creating the society due to the huge volume of Ash coming into the catchment and still coming into the catchment. A request from Virginia Church for help in drafting a petition to Parliament to address the flooding of land in the lower reaches of the river. The Flood of 2004 was a massive flood comparable with the 1958 flood. It heightened awareness of problems associated with the river, a presentation to the Environment Court brought widespread awareness of the issues and support to improve the catchment. Mark established high standards for the society. WH Auden is quoted “The true men of action in our time, those who transform the world, are not the politicians and statesmen but the scientists.” Science has been the basis of the Society’s activity. His clear thinking has lead us well even when he stepped down as President. The current PhD study is a result of his demand that we base our efforts on sound science rather than ad hoc evidence. Luckily we will still be able to call on Mark but not as a committee member.
From the meeting Stuart Crosbie has accepted the Presidency again but stated that this would be for a short term only. John Toogood is the Treasurer and I will be Secretary. Jen Shieff resigned from the committee at the last committee meeting. Sam Stevenson will join the committee which is excellent as we need younger people to continue the Society.. The remainder of the committee is as was last year.
Stuart has desire to see the Tongariro Integrated Catchment Plan (ICMP) become effective. Stuart is invited to speak to the Taupo Liaison Committee of Waikato Regional Council (WRC) in August to present the views of the Society and the signs are there that WRC is prepared to offer resource and leadership to achieve this.
I received the following email from DOC during the week pushing the Didymo prevention message. The message equally applies to anglers.
Check, Clean, Dry for trampers
When you are out tramping, avoid potentially spreading freshwater pests such as didymo along the way.
Follow the specific cleaning guidelines for trampers.
View the information for trampers on the Ministry for Primary Industries website(external site) (PDF, 366K)(external site).
Check, Clean, Dry for sporting event organisers
If you are organising a sporting event, you can help prevent didymo and other freshwater pests being spread by using the information developed especially for you.
View the Check, Clean, Dry information for sporting event organisers on the Ministry for Primary Industries
Last Friday I caught a couple of fish most anglers would be happy with. 3lb and a 3 and 3/4 lb hens which I caught in the lower reaches. Others also had good fishing. I chatted today with Harry Hamilton, DOC fishery team member, who told me that he measured some excellent fish on Saturday. He was impressed with fish he has seen. It is still early and while there are fish in the river I am reluctant to report that runs have started.
Eric Wilson