Fishing Report
The river is taking its time to come bck to normal flow of 23 cms (cubic meters per second) at Turangi. The higher flow has been brought about by saturated ground in the catchment. The benefit of the higher flow is that it has coincided with what seems to me, the main run of the season. Most anglers are still catching fish and it is common to see anglers returning with fish.
Is the fishery recovering from the downturn in size and quality of Trout.
I would like to think that the fishery is recovering. Bigger fish are being caught in the river than has been the case in the last few years. I would guess that the average sized fish is still less than 3lb. But a good number of fish are better proportioned and the flesh colour is orange or red , (Orange from feeding on smelt and red from feeding on koura.) I hear reports of 4lb trout being caught which is a reassuring sign of an improvement but concern remains. I am one who would like to see an explanation as to what has happened with the food chain and to know what can be done about it even if there is sign of an improvement.
Past President Heather Macdonald caught a reasonable trout but with a deformed head. I saw a similar fish on the Sporting Life website. Richard Kemp tells that he has caught fish with a similar deformity over a long angling career so states that this is not new. It does raise the question as to what causes trout deformity.
I received this email today from Rowan Sapsford.
Subject: Exploring Future Opportunities for the Taupo Fishery – Online Survey
Good morning,
A collaborative project coordinated by the Department of Conservation (DOC) has begun. The focus of the project is to ensure the TaupÅ Sports Fishery delivers an internationally renowned and sustainable fishery, as well as contributing to the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of the region.
Complete our online survey at and have your say about the future of the Taupo Sports Fishery.
Everyone who takes part in the survey goes into the draw to win one of two amazing fishing weekends for two, provided by some well-known local fishing lodges.
Tongariro Lodge and Turangi Bridge Motel have provided weekend accommodation packages as prizes, including a guided fishing trip and dinner for two for one lucky couple.
Hunting and Fishing have also provided five $100 vouchers to give away.
The survey closes on 9 November 2012 so make sure you complete your survey before then!
Please check the project web page regularly for updates. You can also receive email updates by sending your details to [email protected]
Please feel free to send this email on to others who may be interested in taking part in this survey
Rowan Sapsford
Strategic Project Planner | Kaimahere Rautaki
Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
Tongariro Whanganui Taranaki Conservancy
PO Box 528
Taupo 3351
It is your opportunity to have your say.
Tongariro River Trail
The section of trail that has been built completes a loop between State Highway 1 bridge and the Red Hut bridge. The full circuit will be known as the Tongariro River Trail. We will meet our target to open the Trail on 20th October 2012, 9.30am as previously stated. The opening will take place in front of the Turangi i-site. We are pleased with the trail developed in partnership with DoC that sets a high standard in Trails. We wish to thank The Taupo District Council, The Tongariro Turangi Community Board, Genesis and Department of Conservation for their contributions.
We are pleased with the positive comments from people using the track. We hope you will take advantage of the track and enjoy using it.
New Boating Rules are in effect on Lake Taupo
All vessels less than 6M
You must have emergency contact details, including your name and phone number somewhere on or in the vessel which is clearly visible.
Options for providing these details are:
- use a waterproof marker
- write on waterproof tape
- laminate a card and attach it to your vessel
- waterproof paint
- waterproof stick on labels.
Powerboats 4M and over.
You must display a name or similar identifying mark
- on both sides of the hull
- above the waterline
- it must be clearly legible, and
- all characters at least 90 mm in height.
This cannot be the vessel’s brand/make/model.
Internal Affairs
Harbourmaster – Lake Taupo
Eric Wilson