The Annual Meeting
At the AGM Tony Charlton and Jeffrey Bennett were elected to our Committee. Both are Turangi residents. Tony has worked in Wellington Real Estate and brings business experience to our committee. Jeffrey had an illustrious career in management with NZ Post before returning home and taking a leading role in Ngati Turangitukua.
We currently have 11 Committee members but have a capacity for 14 Committee members, so if you are interested please put your name forward. Our President Stuart Crosbie has signalled that this will be his last year as President and will step down by the next Annual meeting.
We were pleased to have Laurie Burdett, Taupo Councillor for Waikato Regional Council, in attendance and welcomed her contribution to our meeting. Laurie was thanked for her support during her time as Councillor representing our area. Unfortunately this is her last term.
Member gets member draw
The winners of the deck chair were Anthony and Sonia Gibb of Tauranga. We hope that they enjoy the chair. We thank all who entered the draw and brought new members to the Advocates.
Pools of the river From The Swirl to the Reed
Fishing Report
There are increasing numbers of anglers on the river. In the pool I like, the fish look like a naval flotilla at anchor awaiting the order to move upstream. A significant number (40-50) fish) ignoring wet or nymph, but perhaps I should change the time of day I fish. I like mid day fishing with the sun on my back but the challenge is always to adjust your fishing.The rain on Wednesday night and Thursday meant that the trout moved upstream.
It has been a dry week until Wednesday night when we received 11.8mm overnight. The Genesis 7 day graph may look like a significant rise but the increased flow was hardly noticeable. I didn’t get the chance to fish today but it looked as if it would stimulate the fish to move.
Eric Wilson