Thursday Update #18


It rained on Sunday and Monday, with a deluge and thunderstorm on Monday night. There was 65mm of rain over the two day period.

Tongariro at Turangi – River-flow


The river flooded and on Tuesday was unfishable. The river rose from 24 cms to 265 cms. It was a welcome event cleaning the stones and stimulating a rub of fish. The flood was small compared with the 1400 cms flood of 2004.


River Work

The burning of the willows should be completed within the week. It amazes me how much has been burnt in a week given that 1 man and 1 machine was all that was employed. The smoke was quite limited.

More than half the area has been burnt. The burning has been complete with very little unburnt material remaining.

The stumps are now showing significant growth. The probable control will be to spray the area

The area will then be planted with low growing indigenous vegetation.

Walkways beautiful

The Kowhai is flowering. The walk along the left bank of the river from the Birches (Major Jones) swing bridge downstream to the main road bridge will soon be a mass of colour and noise from the Tuis. It is a major attraction at this time of year as the large numbers of Tui dink nectar to excess.

Fishing Report

There have been few anglers. I see most anglers with 1 or 2 silver trout before the flood. and when the river cleared there was good fishing.

Eric Wilson
