I waited for news of a lowering of Covid level from 3 to 2. Much is said that this is not a return to normal but it is a lot closer to normal than what was 4 and the last day of level 3.
In the notification from the Harbourmaster clarification: The Tokaanu Marina is closed. Not the Tokaanu boat ramp
From the Harbourmaster
Lake TaupÅ Harbourmaster
19 hrs ·
Kia ora friends and whÄnau
During these unprecedented times of lockdown, we hope you and your bubble are safe and well.
With the shift from Level 3 to Level 2 now signalled by the Government, we acknowledge that Lake TaupÅ can be used for motorised recreational boating after 11.59pm Wed 13 May 2020, with some limitations and guidelines to help keep us all safe from Covid-19.
All Crown-owned ramps, facilities and marinas (with the exception of Tokaanu Marina) will be open from Thursday 14 May 2020. Please note that a few ramps will have signage discouraging their use at such a low lake level.
We and the TÅ«wharetoa MÄori Trust Board, owners of the lakebed, want to sincerely thank you for your excellent boating compliance over the lockdown period. With the lovely weather the temptation to break the rules and head out on the water has been huge and we really appreciate your restraint as we have all united together against Covid-19.
TaupÅ nui a Tia is a ‘taonga tuku iho o NgÄti TÅ«wharetoa’. We ask that everyone who is using the Lake and awa (rivers) do so with respect, look after each other and our lake. Reminder that the spreading of ashes or the disposal of waste of any kind is not permitted.
Please follow the 5 rules of the Boating Safety Code and the Alert Level 2 guidelines for all water recreational activities https://sportnz.org.nz/…/Play-Active-Recreation-Sport-Alert…
A further notice for boaties from the Harbourmaster
Annual Ramp Permits
All annual permits purchased prior to lockdown, which had not expired prior to 26th March 2020, will be valid for an additional 50 days from current expiry date.
Tongariro River Fishing
In my last blog I posted a photo of the Bridge Pool with no one fishing. At level 3 you could fish but from the shore only.

You could swim in the river (pretty cold) but not fish other than from the shore. Fishing the Tongariro River was only for locals as you had to stay close to home and travel was limited.
Some regularly fish from the shore.
Come Thursday we can fish in the river. Or we can use our boats and fish from a boat. Boat fishing will require an allowance to keep our distance from others in the boat. Probably only two in my 4.4 meter boat.
There is freedom to drive longer distances so I predict anglers on the river again.
During Level 3 I met Dave Conley who had been upsteam to fish. He reported to me that he had caught 7 fish in an hour. They were good conditioned fish but some were starting to darken slightly.
Royden Thorburn had a great experience at the mouth of the Taurang Taupo. He caught a spectacular fish, as wide as it was long and excellent colour.
Neihana did some work for me. Neihana was one we employed in building the Tongariro River Trail. He told me that he had enjoyed the successful fishing up and down the river.
I hve been asked how my fishing experience has been. I have been too busy to fih but I am looking forward to the opportunity to get in the water and fish.
In the last blog I told that we would try to hold our AGM using Zoom. We did and found it a successful experience. The decisions from the meeting were to elecet a committee. Members had been advised that two members, Peter Dekin and Stuart Crosbie would step down. Stuart agreed to remain on the committee for another year.
The committee for 2020 is
President:           Gary Brown                                                   Â
Vice Presidents: Warren Butterworth Richard Kemp.  Â
Secretary             Eric Wilson                                                         Â
Treasurer            John Toogood  Â
 Committee:  (up to 9)                                Â
Tim Castle                                                         Â
Virginia Church
                                    Sam Coxhead
                                    Stuart CrosbieÂ
                                    Mike Forret
                                     Alisdair Keucke
                                     Julian Proctor                                                  Â
One matter that was of interest was the request for views of the river from the Tongariro River Trail. Gary expressed the view that this was a worthy project for us to take on.
‘AND please don’t forget to send us your subs/donations for this year if you haven’t done so. We rely totally on your support and we do have some important issues to address this year, in particular, fishing access to the lower river and willows and pines on the river flats upstream. Many thanks!’
Website update
A project that John Toogood, Alisdair Keucke and Mike Foret have been involved in is to update the website. From the begining the website was to be a source of key information of events and activitiy affecting the Catchment. The aim of the improvement is to get the most uptodate information at the forefront of each section of the website.
I look forward to evry one enjoying the Catchment, keeping to the rules and being kind to each other.
Eric Wilson