I had a most enjoyable fishing experience Tuesday. Autumn is my favourite season. I fished downstream of State Highway 1 bridge. There were 3 anglers in the Bridge Pool and another couple in the lower Bridge pool. But further downstream I had the river to myself. Absolute luxury though at this time such a scenario indicates that very few think it worthwhile to fish. The river ran clear, the temperature was warm and there was no wind. About my 10th cast I picked up a strong little hen of 1.134 kg (sounds better as 21/2 lb) and that was the only touch I had but the experience was great. I haven’t fished since.
The 100m3/s flood of a fortnight ago did little clearing of periphyton from the river bed. Anglers have left sign of catching trout with the little rock pools many anglers create in which to save their fish. I think it a good idea as do the sea gulls who delight in taking the eye from the fish as the first peck when they get the chance. I prefer to hang the fish in a tree as this also saves the fish from rat attack. I see the odd rat on the river bank and don’t like sharing my fish with a rat.
Autumn is giving way to winter but temperature at my home hasn’t yet produced a frost. It makes a very pleasant experience.
My role on the Taupo Zone committee enables me to see a bigger picture. I am disappointed that the Work plan for the river was not achieved this year and said so. The Advocates was formed in response to the lack of action following the 1998 flood that left the river a mess. This resulted in the Virginia Church petition to Parliament (see our first annual report on our website) that became a submission and resulted in an agreement to have the Tongariro River Forum. Initially this was useful but it folded through poor attendance at meetings. The Tongariro River Integrated Catchment Management Plan (TRICMP) was not completed. This has resulted in the river plan of work not happening.
The road to the Blue Pool has been graded and re metalled and is now excellent. I think that the work was done by NZ Forest Managers on behalf of the landowner, Ngati Turangitukua. They are to be applauded for an excellent job well done.

TheAnnual General Meeting saw the re-election of the committee. We were grateful for the apologies received and disappointed that only the committee attended. I can only surmise that everyone is happy with the current situation. In many respects it is quiet and there are no issues.
The schoolroom at the Trout Centre had some interesting charts highlighting some issues. I thought that maybe there was a chance of eliminating catfish.

The Conservation Freshwater Fish Amendment Bill remains with the Select committee. The report from the Select Committee is due 12 June. From there it will go to the 4th stage of 7
The stages are:
- Bill Introduced 09/08/18
- First Reading 11/09/18
- Select Committee
- Second Reading
- Committee of whole House
- Third Reading
- Royal Assent
An issue that has arisen is the lack of a path or track down the true left bank of the river from te Kohineke Reserve downstream. Access is guaranteed but the new growth makes the area impenetrable.
The dry weather has left the lake very low. This is good for the river being able to clear itself of sediment in the lower reaches but causes problems for those with larger boats.
The ducks aren’t stupid. I chuckle when I see the ducks further upstream than is normally their environment.
Kiwi Bank is leading the way into a chequeless society. It is obviously the way of the future but for many elderly who do not have internet or do not trust internet it creates a problem. It does however mean that it is a transparent system where you can see your transaction immediately and does away with lost and stolen cheques. I have been guilty of losing a cheque or two and apologise for that.
This leads me to membership:
We are keen to retain our members and to get new members. John Toogood, Treasurer, sends an email acknowledging receipt of subscriptions and donations. If you have not paid your subscription for 2019 we welcome your payment. If you are unsure of your membership, send an email to me, [email protected] and we will advise you.

Eric Wilson